Isnin, 22 Jun 2009

No Specific Topic

Hmm.. refer to title of this blog.., so as a writer may be i can't write many story about me, it more about AIMAN BAHRI.. everyday..every activity is about AIMAN BAHRI..actually, I was created the blog over my name..but i forgot the password, then when i tried again their said that name already what i did are put my son's name, so where Aiman been.. so his mother also with him except in school laa.. coz mother go to work... kekekee.. i means another situation likes go to kenduri or family day or jalan-jalan cari makan.. kekekekee..or where ever.
well.. i'm so happy when i heard my officemates.. one by one love to create their own blog, share anything in there. So on your right.. in my list of blog, majority of them is my officemate's blog.
Actually, i'm looking for something.. what the best to share with all of you.. may be one day i will trying to sell or promote something like HPA.. tupperware and anything that i was joined it. Because from here also can make money.. like Irfan Khairi may be the millionaire in Malaysia.

Enjoy yourself

Rabu, 17 Jun 2009

Semasa di Skudai

Mak kataaaa... buka kasut dulu Aiman..!!

Inilah hasil kreativiti Aiman Bahri.. abisss lipstik Mak.

Inilah nombor bilik di mana Aiman, Mak dan Babah tinggal selama 2 malam.. murah-murah jer..
Malam terakhir di Skudai.. wahh.. Babah Aiman bawa karung Tupperware.. tapi isinya bukan Tupperware..Giant ware... :)

gaya possed camni ke Mak?..
Kaki??????.. ok jer

Tengoklah tangan Aiman niee.. kena ezos motor.. tapi dah ok sikit berbanding awal-awal kena tuu.. dah nampak kering sikit

dah tadak keja.. camni la jadinya..

Possed kat U hotel.. balik dari UTM
Dalam dewan Sultan Iskandariah

Handbag baru mak.. beli kat Jaya Jusco, Skudaiiii...
Sarung kamera ni leh masuk lam handbag tak??

Main di JJ Skudai.. Malam pertama sampai Skudai

Inilah menu makan malam Aiman..

Berlari ke mana tu..??

Ini,..?? Babah punya daaaa..

Skudai.. Again??

Skudai...Skudai.. Skudai..!! What Aiman do in Skudai?? Again..?? Huhhh.. followed Aiman's mother to UTM Skudai.. she said, she have registration..what is that? what for..?? Mother said, she future study AGAINnnn...!! ohh.. too many things Aiman need to know.. well, what Aiman knows is.. Aiman was came here before..but when..?? Lets Aiman thinking first...hhmmm.. haaa..!! Aiman remember.. Mother's convocation in UTM, Skudai..yess..! 3 months later.. And now Aiman come again.. huh..! but we stay another hotel.. Mother said, Pulai Spring Resort was full no chance.. Well, we got the places where to sleep, shower and so on.. there is U hotel.. very cheap hotel but is ok, not very cokia laaa.. just Babah got a bit worry.. he worried about his car.. that hotel no parking under roof.. just parked outside hotel and limited parking.. sapa dulu dia dapat..kekekeke.. another part is.. Babah worried if rain come down and his car will get flood.. what to do he not going to repair that car.. so just go a head.

What the important thing is Mother's registration run smoothly.

Mak.. can we go now??

Look at my face.. how serious i am..?? huhhh....

hahahahaaa.. i'm here..

Stop for a while at Pagoh R & R on the way to Skudai.. syoknyaaa..
huhh.. i need more calcium.. telephone.. why so high?? how to press the button.. ohhh..pleaseee..

Isnin, 15 Jun 2009

Wanie's Wedding

Ini pengantin lama.. kekekee
Wahh.. sama cantik sama padan..indah di singgahsana raja sehari..tapiiii...pengapit pengantin perempuan tu...bujang lagi ker? orr.. dah anak satu..??? :)

haa...!! apa dibueknyo belakang tu.. ngintai yo..?? ish..ish.. pengantin belum ada.. usah la diintai..diintaii...
Ini adalah hantaran dari pihak perempuan kepada lelaki
Inilah pengantinnyer.. moga berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat..
Yang ini dari pihak lelaki kepada perempuannyer..
Yang ini..?? alamakk.. iniiii macam mak-mak pengantin pun ye juga..ahakk..!! pengantin belum rasmi..dorang pula yg rasmi dulu..mujur la tak roboh pelamin tuu...

Rabu, 10 Jun 2009

Aiman In Kuantan, Mei 2- 4, 2009

Mei 2 - 4 , 2009. Aiman followed his mother to De Rhu Resort Kuantan, Pahang. Mother said, she need worked in there, Aiman don't know why mother should go there.. actually mother working in Bangi.. why need go so far.. leaving Babah alone? uhhh.. is it Aiman care? Mother said, Cik Wati also in there for working.. not for enjoying.So, in the morning Mei 2, 2009, Aiman woke up early not like before, may be Aiman feeling good coz followed mother to Kuantan by bus.. wow!! so exciting.. this is second time Aiman traveled by bus.. before this Aiman go back to kampung with Mak Teh and Irfan, Aiman's cousin.. same age. When working.. Aiman must serious to the job
And now.. can relax...haaaa..

In the room.. telephone..!! Aiman wanna call Babah.. I miss Babah so much..

On the way, something bad happened, Aiman don't understand.. but Mother said, that bus had trouble.. something breakdown.. So we stuck in half way, in a few minutes one bus came to us.. so that driver helped us, and brought us to Genting Sempah.. so we can rest in there for while until our bus settled the problem.. that is doesn't matter to Aiman.. whatever happened Aiman still enjoying.

In Genting Sempah.. everyone looking some food for breakfast.. but Aiman tried catched up birds..did not care about food.. when Aiman hungry or thirsty.. Aiman go to mother..

After one hour and half.. something like that.. our bus come to us.. huhhh.. bestnyer..
After many hours in the bus, finally Aiman arrived in De Rhu Resort, Kuantan.

Jumaat, 5 Jun 2009

selamat ulangtahun perkahwinan...ku..

Selamat ulangtahun perkahwinanku...arrgghhh.. yg ke berapa erk?? lupa laakk.. hhmmm.. 3 tahun... yes.. yg ke-3.. aku ni bukanlah jenis pengingat segalanya.. semua tolak tepi.. lagipun sibuk ngan hal2 keje.. penat pun blom hilang..
tak sempat nak celebrate pun.. tapi tak kisahlah..balik dari Kuantan..hubby terus ajak dinner di Kenny Rogers Alamanda.. kira celebrate la kot.. walhal dia cuma ingat anak dia nak makan ayam..tak kisah laa.. tapi Aiman memang cukup selera.. agaknya masa di Kuantan makanan di sana tak kena selera dia.. badan Aiman kurang sihat malam tadi..tapi tengok dia ada selera makan Alhamdullilah.. suka betul dia makan nasi apa ntah namanya.. aku ni betul pelupa.. semua data dalam kepala cuma sementara jer.. sakit sangat nak pk.. mcm2 hal berlaku..

Ntah laa.. apa yg aku harapkan kali ni..?? aku pun tak paham.. kenapa orang selalu sambut ulangtahun perkahwinan mereka? adakah kerana mereka saling sayang-menyayangi? atau kerana apa..??
Bagi aku.. ntah laa.. may be not at all i need writing in here..may be just enough.. haahhh..!!
ntah laa.. aku sebenarnya penat sgt.. !!!